
ポルトガル旅行 列車予約できない原因(リスボン−ポルト日帰り旅行)

2018-7-17 リスボンーポルト日帰り旅行
移動は Comboios de Portugal(CP) の ALFA PENDULAR(AP)  利用予定だが、

Portugal Rail AP/IC 2018 summer timetable

I was trying to buy train tickets from Porto (Sao Bento) to Sintra (via Lisboa Oriente station) online at the Portugal rail website (www.cp.pt) but noticed there was no availability for just about any dates in July/August (my date is in August). Supposedly you are supposed to be able to buy tickets up to 60 days in advance, so I was puzzled. After some searching around on the website, I found the following notice: " The trains Alfa Pendular and Intercidades operating after July 7th are not yet available for consultation or sale since the summer timetable will only come into force on July 8th. "

Is this typical? Seems rather late to publish the summer timetable.


No, it's not typical. Timetables are usually published once a year in December. 
They are going to be doing some works on the Northern line (Lisbon to Porto), which may require a reduction in top speed on a stretch of the line and a longer travel time (+10-15 mins), so they're re-working things now. Keep checking, but I expect, that you'll be able to buy the tickets 2 weeks out.



CP train bookings not working - Answer from CP

There seems to be a bit problem booking tickets after 8th July on the Portuguese Railway CP.
I emailed them asking when the problem was likely to be fixed. Their answer is below...

We received your communication that deserved our best attention.
For now, it isn't possible to purchase train tickets for the 8th of July
and onwards, since the timetables will be revised.You are able to
purchase or reissue this tickets only after Jun. 18 th.
We appreciate the interest shown. Communications from our customers are
essential to assess the quality of our services and improve them.
Yours sincerely,
CP Comboios de Portugal


ポルトガル旅行1日目 到着〜展望台・コルメシオ広場・tram
ポルトガル旅行2日目 オリエンテ・アズレージョ博物館・サン・ジョルジェ城・ケーブルカー
ポルトガル旅行3日目 ペーナ宮・シントラ・ロカ岬・カスカイス1日 観光ツアー
ポルトガル旅行4日目 列車でポルトへ日帰り旅行
ポルトガル旅行5日目 サンタ・ジュスタのエレベーター・ベレン・発見のモニュメント・エッグタルト
ポルトガル旅行6日目 再度トラム28E乗車〜現地発
ポルトガル旅行(リスボン−ポルト日帰り旅行:porto ポルトでの行動予定)
ポルトガル旅行 列車予約できない原因(リスボン−ポルト日帰り旅行)
ポルトガル旅行 列車チケット購入(リスボン−ポルト日帰り旅行)
ポルトガル旅行 メトロ、トラム、ケーブルカー、鉄道 マップ
ポルトガル旅行 three sim のこと  vodafone  結局 MEO sim 
ポルトガル旅行 リスボン 観光ルート